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Private DayCare Nursery School in Randpark Ridge



The Star class is for the infants. 

The class rooms provide the youngest children with opportunities to spend time with nurturing caregivers who provide care in a consistent reliable and predictable environment. Schedules and activities for infant and pre-toddler children are directed by the child’s individual needs.

Communication with Parents â€“ There is excellent communication between parents and teachers. Daily reports are given to families that include information concerning feeding schedules, the amount of food eaten, napping, schedules and diapering time.

Activities â€“ Infants are introduced to multi-sensory activities where they are given interesting and safe items that can be held and explored. Soft music is played for auditory stimulation and gentle interaction and talking take place. Toys are alternated for visual stimulation. The pre-toddlers are introduced to simple arts and crafts, stories, books and songs.




The moon class is for the toddlers.In the moon class teachers work with children helping them to begin developing their social, language, mathematical, scientific, and artistic skills. 

Social Skills â€“ Children are encouraged to develop their ability to interact with peers and adults.

Language Skills â€“ Children are encouraged to develop listening and speaking skills.

Mathematic Skills â€“ Children are encouraged to develop age appropriate mathematical awareness.

Scientific Thinking â€“ Children are encouraged to learn about their environment through observing and describing.

The Arts â€“ Children are encouraged to develop an appreciation of the arts through active engagement.

Physical Skills â€“ Children are encouraged to develop fine and gross motor skills through age appropriate activities and play.




The Sun class is for the pre-schoolers. Our learning environment is designed to meet the overall needs of preschoolers and to facilitate their development through age-appropriate experiences. Due to the individuality of each child expectations vary; each child is challenged but not hurried. Ideally, the following goals should be met by the time a child enters kindergarten.


Emotional Goals

  • Displays a sense of security

  • Exhibits self-confidence

  • Has a positive attitude

  • Shows a desire to learn

  • Is willing to try something new

Behavioral Goals

  • Listens attentively

  • Follows directions

  • Focuses on task at hand

  • Is not disruptive

  • Exhibits self-control

  • Uses toys and materials appropriately

Self-Help Goals

  • Puts on shoes without assistance

  • Takes care of own toileting needs

  • Cleans up after self at snack, lunch

  • Tries to solve problems independently

  • Participates in classroom clean-up

Social Goals

  • Plays cooperatively

  • Helps others

  • Interacts positively with peers

  • Interacts positively with adults

  • Stands up for own rights

  • Resolves conflicts peacefully

  • Exhibits good manners; courteous

Language Goals

  • Speaks clearly

  • Has age-appropriate vocabulary

  • Uses personal pronouns correctly

  • Expresses needs and ideas verbally

  • Recites jingles and rhymes

  • Tells event or story in sequence

Physical Goals (Large Muscle)

  • Is well coordinated

  • Displays good balance

  • Exhibits skill on playground equipment (climber, swing, slide, etc.)

  • Builds with blocks

  • Throws/catches ball

Physical Goal

  • Pours milk/juice into cup

  • Holds pencil correctly

  • Can cut with scissors

  • Can manipulate fasteners

  • Unties a bow and/or loose knot

  • Draws a recognizable person

  • Writes own name

Cognitive Goals

  • Demonstrates knowledge of colors

  • Demonstrates knowledge of shapes

  • Demonstrates knowledge of numbers

  • Demonstrates knowledge of letters

  • Can work a 10-piece puzzle

  • Recognizes own name (written)

  • Knows "left" and "right"


Personal Information Goals

  • Knows full names

  • Knows age

  • Knows birthday

  • Knows telephone number

  • Knows street address

  • Knows first and last name(s) of parent(s)












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